Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Mikhail Gorbachev and the end of Communism

Glasnost -- the declared public policy within the Soviet Union of openly and frankly discussing economic and political realities: initiated under Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985.

Peristrokia -- the program of economic and political reform in the Soviet Union initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1986.

Mikhail Gorbachev open the Soviet union because he wanted to open public policy about economice and political realities which was also known as glasnost. He allowed authors to write books, he open churches and he free dissendents prisoners from jail. He made it a more free for the people to be able to open private business. People were able to speak up for their right and about political and economice problems and they voice were heard. Also people were able to vote for the country's candidates. They had more privilege in the country and they also had a better way of living. Mikhail Gorbachev paved the end of communism because he didn't like the idea of having the government to take control of everything and people to not have the right to speak up. His way of governing was different from other Soviet Union leaders before the didn't want to have control over everything in the country, he think citizens should have certain right in their country and able to do things.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Collapse of Communism

Communism was a major turning point in history.Communism was created from the time of World war, especially from World War II and ended after the cold war. It all started when Russia was trying to keep up with the US in the nuclear arms race and the space race. They were trying to gain more power and build more advanced technology to go against the US. They were popular at first but after the years went by and the US started to developed more advaced technology, communism then collapse. Communism was a much weaker economic system then capitalism. Communism was based on the Maxism economic system which was created by Karl Marx. Communism collapse was started with Mikhail Gorbachev's policies of glasnost and perestroika. These policies tried to open up and reform the old fashioned system of communism. Later Berlin Wall came crashing down and the Eastern and Western Germany could form more economic and social ties. Things were worse at first cause people weren't able to cross the border from east to west Germany. However things got better later when capitalism went to Russia. Things got easier for people and they got bettter jobs with higher pay. They soon turned away from communism because they were worried about M.A.D which was the (Mutually Assured Destruction) because of the neuclear weapons that fell during cold war.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Creation Of Israel

Zionism -- A Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.

Israel was a land there for many years since god had given Abraham. It had three main monotheistic religions which are: Judaism, Islam and Christianity. However as the years went by and the population grew problems also occured. The conflict thats occured when Israel was created was that they were attacked the day after they gain independence by other neighboring countries like Arab states and Palestinians such as Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt.It all happen after World War I when the Jews decided to go back to the holy land which they claim that belonged to them years ago. These countries didn't get along well because the Palestinians think that Israel should get the land while the Jews think they should get the land, this was the reason why they both didn't get along well cause they both were fighting for the same land.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

Apartheid is a social policy or racial separation involving political and economic and legal discrimination against people who are black and nonwhite. It was a former official policy in South Africa. During the year 1948 to 1994 South Africa was under the apartheid system where the British was ruling. They held the most power of things in Africa and and had had the most power of wealth. They went into Africa to find sources to produce products in Britain and other countries and Africa had a lot of natural resources such as coal, gold, coffee and diamonds. The African didn't have equal rights as the white and they didn't like the idea of having the white in their country to have all the control over things. Certain things were're allow in African for e.g all black people over the age of 16 had to carry identity documents and no mixed marriage were allowed.

However Nelson Mandela spent 26 years in prison and was released in the year 1990 and was in the ANC which means African National Congress, he then began president of the ANC which declared legal in South Africa. He was known as the hero in Africa because he help to fight to gain independence in Africa from the British. He fought for liberation and unity and help to solve the problem of racism in Africa, so that everyone can have equal rights.They wanted to form their own government and have all the control. In February 1993, Mandela and the de Klerk agreed to the formation of a government of national unity, after free nonracial elections. In April 1994, the election was held with the ANC and soon Nelson Mandela began the president of Africa.

Friday, April 27, 2007

African Independence

Africa had changed a lot in 20 years period from 1955 to 1975 because they decided to gave up colonial ruling and wanted to form their own government and indenpendent countries but it wasn't easy for them to do this because during that time Europe had to imperialized Africa and they wanted to take most of Africa resources because they had a lot of products that the European countries wanted to industrilize.

Africa was rule by the European countries and the British had most power over Africa. They went there to find raw materials to make and produce product to other countries. Later in the years, Africa didn't like the idea of having European countries to rule their people because they didn't have equal right as the white. During that time the white held most power in Africa and the black and the mix people didn't have equal right as the white. The white take control of most of the wealth in africa. However later in the years, many African countries gain independence and were able to develop their own government and socities. Some of these countries didn't gain their independence easily especially Ghana which was the first country in Africa to gain independence. Ghana was also known as the Gold Coast. A strong leader named Kwame Nkrumah help to gain their independence for they country, he was similar to Mohandas Gandhi who develop a movement, the lead of non-violent protests. After he gain independence for Africa, he try to industrize and produce product and he was successful at doing this.He aslo improve the way of living and build roads and also proved a better education system for his people.
Not only Ghana had struggle to gain independence but other countries and one of them was Kenya. Kenya was under the Mau Mau and the Jomo Kenyatta which was a secret organization which also practiced non- violent protest. The were able to gain their independence and soon Jomo became the president of the nation.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Neolithic Revolution

The Neolithic Revolution was the beginning of human lives years ago. It was also known as the "New Stone Age". The Neolithic Revolution was a changed in the way people lived, it shifts from hunting and gathering to agriculture which then led to permanent settlements. It was all about how people were able to developed things from one stage to another. These people were called nomads and nomads are people who travel from one place to another to find food, water, clothes and place to live. Nomads live in groups of 20 to 30 and they spend most of their times hunting and gathering things to live on. Women usually gather fruits and other stuff while men hunt for animals. They developed simple tools such as spears and axes made from bone, wood and stone. These tools help them to hunt and kill animals easier. However as the years go by, people started to get civilized and were able to develop more things in the community which helps them to have better lives. It was a rise of civilization and this became a turning point in history. However later people began to settle down and domesticate certain animals and grow crops. Soon they had changed from cave man to farmers. As they started to farm and domesticate animals they were able to produce more and food and soon their population began to grew. As the population grew and gets bigger people were soon able to formed cities and as cities were formed they decided to have a head leader and allow it to run by Elders in the villages. Most villages had chief elder as a single leader. They then developed a social class and it was divided occurring to how people work, for example priests and warriors were at the top and farmers and craftsmen were at the bottom. They also created a simple calender to keep records of planting and harvesting. They also developed metal tools such as plows to help do their work. And also to protect valuable resources in the village.
However as the years pass by and people got more civilized, they started to develop more advance technologies to go along with the new way of living. They developed more advance tools to help them do the work. As people were producing more and more crops they wanted to have more water, so most of the farmers farm by river valleys because these river valleys had rich soil known as silt which use for farming. There were four important river valleys which are the Nile (Africa), the Tigris Euphrates (Mesopotamia), Yellow ( China) and the Indus. (India) Rivers. These rivers make work easier and faster for farmers and they were able to produce more crops and domesticate animals because they had enough water to use.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The European Union

The European Union is made up of 25 nations and was formed after World War II and began as the economic union. It was formed by six nations in Europe that produce coals and steel, but they were successful and started to produce more things which later joined by other countries. The USSR and the U.S.A were the two superpowers before but after the collapse of USSR in the year 1991, the European Nation then take over and are competing with the U.S. However the European Nation now have political and economic superpower. Before the European Union was formed between these 25 nations they used to use different currency but after they formed as one they share the same currency which is the Euro and was introduced on January 1,2002. The Euro is use more than the U.S dollars and is traded everyday as much as the U.S dollars.

After the European Union was formed, things got much easier than before , people got jobs faster and there weren't much security as before. Now people are able to move around from a country to another without being checked by security as much as before. Its lot easier now for European Nations because before the EU was founded, people had difficult time traveling from a country to another to do business, the reason why was before there was a lot of security and as you enter each country you had to change currency but since the EU, there is only one main currency used which is the Euro. The EU had help business people a lot and make things much easier for them because they were able to live in one country and work in another country, they were also able to buys houses in other places etc. This is similar to the Unites States because its the things that happened here, people from other countries are able to come into America and build and buy places, they are also able to work and move back and forth. The population in EU is also growing larger and there is about 500 millions of citizens which makes it the third largest country in the world after china and India.