Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Neolithic Revolution

The Neolithic Revolution was the beginning of human lives years ago. It was also known as the "New Stone Age". The Neolithic Revolution was a changed in the way people lived, it shifts from hunting and gathering to agriculture which then led to permanent settlements. It was all about how people were able to developed things from one stage to another. These people were called nomads and nomads are people who travel from one place to another to find food, water, clothes and place to live. Nomads live in groups of 20 to 30 and they spend most of their times hunting and gathering things to live on. Women usually gather fruits and other stuff while men hunt for animals. They developed simple tools such as spears and axes made from bone, wood and stone. These tools help them to hunt and kill animals easier. However as the years go by, people started to get civilized and were able to develop more things in the community which helps them to have better lives. It was a rise of civilization and this became a turning point in history. However later people began to settle down and domesticate certain animals and grow crops. Soon they had changed from cave man to farmers. As they started to farm and domesticate animals they were able to produce more and food and soon their population began to grew. As the population grew and gets bigger people were soon able to formed cities and as cities were formed they decided to have a head leader and allow it to run by Elders in the villages. Most villages had chief elder as a single leader. They then developed a social class and it was divided occurring to how people work, for example priests and warriors were at the top and farmers and craftsmen were at the bottom. They also created a simple calender to keep records of planting and harvesting. They also developed metal tools such as plows to help do their work. And also to protect valuable resources in the village.
However as the years pass by and people got more civilized, they started to develop more advance technologies to go along with the new way of living. They developed more advance tools to help them do the work. As people were producing more and more crops they wanted to have more water, so most of the farmers farm by river valleys because these river valleys had rich soil known as silt which use for farming. There were four important river valleys which are the Nile (Africa), the Tigris Euphrates (Mesopotamia), Yellow ( China) and the Indus. (India) Rivers. These rivers make work easier and faster for farmers and they were able to produce more crops and domesticate animals because they had enough water to use.

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