Friday, February 9, 2007

Flim Lesson "Gandhi"

Gandhi was the leader of the Indian Nationalist movement against the British rule. He became one of the most respected spiritual and political leaders of the 1900's. Gandhi help to free the Indian people from the British rule through nonviolent resistance and he is honored by his people as the father of the Indian nation. The Indian people called him Gandhi Mahatma which means "Great soul". Gandhi went to South Africa to work, and during that time Africa and India was controlled by British. While he was in Africa he attempted to claim his right as a British subject but he was abused and then he realized that all Indians were suffering the same treatment. He stayed in Africa for 21 years working to secure rights for Indian people. Gandhi then developed a
method called Satyagraha which was based on the principal of courage, nonviolence and truth. He believe the way people behave is more important than what they achieve, that's why he advise all Indian to never rise a hand and fight back the British. Gandhi was a good leader and he try his best to fight for independence for India. He didn't want the British to rule India because he could see that British were taking advantage of them and they were not treated fairly. Gandhi teach his people about nonviolent and civil disobedience which means to disobey unjust law.

Gandhi main idea was to stop the British from ruling India. He decide that if he weave his own clothes he won't have to buy the British ready- made clothes and they won't have to pay taxes. So he told all his people to make their own clothes and stop buying the British cloth. Gandhi spin and weave his own clothes everyday. Not only making his own clothes but he also decide to make their own salt. He realized that they can make their own salt from the India ocean , the "seawater salt". Gandhi and his followers marched 240 miles to the sea to make salt, which was successful done. He knew that if they made their own goods they won't have to buy the British goods and pay taxes and in this case the British government will weaken because they are depending on the taxes that the people payed. India was granted independence in the year 1947. However after India Independence, the Muslims and Hindus wanted to have separated countries but Gandhi didn't approved of it, he wanted both countries to be together peacefully but it didn't happen the way he wanted it. It was then divided into India and Pakistan. I think India independence was all about Gandhi because if it wasn't for Gandhi fighting to have the right of India, the British probably would still control India. During India independence in the year 1947 World War II was ended in British at this time.

Some of Mohandas Gandhi quotes are:
1) "An eye for an eye end up make the whole world blind"
2) "Why change the world when we can change ourselves?"
3) "If love or non-violence be not the law of our being, the whole of my argument falls to pieces."


Sumit X said...

You have some very interesting points in your blog. I look forward to reading your blog when you finish it!

Carla said...

Interesting..Ur page is really Nice..!!!...=)