Africa had changed a lot in 20 years period from 1955 to 1975 because they decided to gave up colonial ruling and wanted to form their own government and indenpendent countries but it wasn't easy for them to do this because during that time Europe had to imperialized Africa and they wanted to take most of Africa resources because they had a lot of products that the European countries wanted to industrilize.
Africa was rule by the European countries and the British had most power over Africa. They went there to find raw materials to make and produce product to other countries. Later in the years, Africa didn't like the idea of having European countries to rule their people because they didn't have equal right as the white. During that time the white held most power in Africa and the black and the mix people didn't have equal right as the white. The white take control of most of the wealth in africa. However later in the years, many African countries gain independence and were able to develop their own government and socities. Some of these countries didn't gain their independence easily especially Ghana which was the first country in Africa to gain independence. Ghana was also known as the Gold Coast. A strong leader named Kwame Nkrumah help to gain their independence for they country, he was similar to Mohandas Gandhi who develop a movement, the lead of non-violent protests. After he gain independence for Africa, he try to industrize and produce product and he was successful at doing this.He aslo improve the way of living and build roads and also proved a better education system for his people.
Not only Ghana had struggle to gain independence but other countries and one of them was Kenya. Kenya was under the Mau Mau and the Jomo Kenyatta which was a secret organization which also practiced non- violent protest. The were able to gain their independence and soon Jomo became the president of the nation.