Friday, March 23, 2007

Film Lesson "Night and Fog"

I think the movie "Night and Fog" is really digusting but very powerful in another way because it has scences that shows how innocent lives were destroyed. This movie shows how innocent Jewish people were hunted down and killed. It shows and explain about the Holocaust and how people were taken out from their homes and send to the concentration camps where they were burned alive. It shows how people got diseases from others and were really sick, they were unhealthy and didn't have enough food to survived on, they also didn't have doctors that could take care and treat these people. It was due to their surrounding because of the people who had die and were about the place. Some scences in this movie were very disturbing, for example when sick and dead people were thrown into a large pit by using a bulldozer to heap the bodies up to burn. It was horrible to see that thousands of innocent people had die during this time just because the Nazi wanted to create more living space for the Jews. I was shocked when I saw this movie cause I still can't believe that this really happen before and to me it was really disturbing to see and know that thousands of people had died without being able to fight back or do something to save their life.

I find the movie "Night and Fog" powerful but not as powerful as the "Schindler List" and the reason why I say this is because in the "Schindler list" it shows and explain more in details like how the Jews were in a lot of pressure during this time and how people were trying to hide but still ended caught and die. The "Schindler List" was much longer and it shows different situation in the Jewish lifes. I also think it also gives more details about the Holocaust than "Night and Fog". I think "Night and Fog" wasn't that powerful as "Schindler List" because it shows more about what the German did to the Jewish dead body and how they burn and try to get rid of the dead bodies. This movie deals more about what happen after the war and the cleaning up of the place, while "Schindler List" deals more about what happen during the wars.

I think the Hollywood version illustrates the Holocaust more effectively than the documentary because its shows more about what was taken place during that time and how these people were struggling a lot, trying to save their lifes and their children lifes. Its shows what they did to hide and places that they try to hide in, but they still were caught and shot to death. While the documentry just give some details about what happen during this time period but didn't provide enough information and didn't show much scences about the Holocaust and what happen in the Jews lifes.

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