Thursday, March 22, 2007

Film Lesson "Schindler's List"

The movie "Schindler's List" is one of the most powerful movie of all time. Its a true story of German Businessman name Oskar Schindler. He went and befriend the Nazi authorities so he can gain control of factories in Krakow. The film "Schindler's list" was horrible and disguisting because it shows how the German were trying to get rid of the Jews. Hilter one goal was to create "living space" for the German and the way he planned to do this was by destroying an entire ethnic of people which was the Jews. When the movie started it shows how the Jewish were treated badly and were forced out of their home and send to train stations. They were loaded in trains with very little space and were sended to Auschwitz which is also known as a "dead camp". On their way to the train station, the German were making fun and teasing the Jews. Its was horrible to see that innocent people were killed, knowing that they didn't do any crime, but the Nazi were just trying to get rid of a them. Some of these people had no idea where they were going and what was happening. Approximately six thousands people were killed in a day at the dead camp brutality, children were separated from their parents and new born babies were killed at the spot. The concentration camps were set up where Jews were starved, shot or gassed to death.

There are few scenes from this movie that are very powerful and horrible, which I just keep thinking about anytime I talk about this movie , like when the women was shot several times in her head and also the old man for doing nothing wrong. Another one was when some of the Jews were trying to hide in the piano , drawers, and under the bed, etc, and they still got caught and were shot several times. Even little children who were separated from their parents were trying to hide and get away, like the little boy who jumped into the latrine just to save his life. Another scene was when the German had all the Jews lock in the trains and was using a water hose to spray water in so they can cool down , while they were laughing and making fun of them. It was horrible because these people had no food or anything to eat except for the little water that was getting in the carts.

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